Mindfulness of Breathing meditation builds on the foundation established with Satipaṭṭhāna meditation. Using the Anapanasati-sutta, the “Discourse on Mindfulness of Breathing In and Breathing Out,” as the primary source text, Bhikkhu Anālayo offers guided instructions presented in his text – Mindfulness of Breathing: A Practice Guide and Translations (Windhorse Publications, 2019).
In this freely offered series of six audio meditations, Bhikkhu Anālayo provides sequential guided instructions for mindfulness of breathing. Instructions begin with the development of the preliminaries, progressing through the scheme of the sixteen steps, culminating with contemplation of the awakening factors.
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-Jon Kabat-Zinn, foreword to Mindfulness of Breathing: A Practice Guide and Translations (Anālayo, 2019)